Astrologers make future predictions and character analysis by interpreting the positions of the planets, the moon and the sun at the time, date and place of birth. An Astrology reading is great for relationship compatibility and career information.
Astrology is a science that has existed for 4000 years, also known as the “queen of science”, astrology can make future predictions and make character analysis using a person’s horoscope. Mathematical calculations make astrology the most scientific of all esoteric arts and independent studies have several times successfully proven a connection between the horoscope and the behaviour. Astrology uses the correlation between the time and place of birth to determine a person’s character and fate. In drawing up a character analysis, the astrologer first looks at the sun signs, moon signs and ascendant, then turns to the elements (fire, water, earth, air) and qualities (cardinal, fixed, mutable). An astrologer only tells you which outside influences are affecting you. How you decide to use this information in your life is entirely up to you. Astrologically seen questions about the past are just as well explained as predictions concerning the future. Due to the way a planet has orbited the sun in the past and faraway future, astrologers can calculate the horoscope for a particular point in time. They can of course also work as love calculators and calculate love horoscopes that highlight the special qualities of a relationship. Remember that every astrologer has their own special area.
Good to know: Use the experience of a reputable astrologer for a detailed and comprehensive analysis of your personality, the compatibility of you and your partner in an astrological love reading with a love calculator, or the possible outcome of a project or connection in an astrological prediction!
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